Try these 12 workouts the next time you are traveling or can't make it to the gym!
GSC Staff
December 15, 2023

Out of town? Use the listed workouts below to maintain movement and fitness while traveling. These workouts prioritize bodyweight movements and require minimal equipment. They are easy to accomplish in a backyard, living room, or hotel. Grab a friend, family member, or co-worker and get moving!

Workout #1 - Everything Counts! (weights needed)

Warm up (5-10 minutes)
3 sets of 10 each:
Buttkickers, toy soldiers, good mornings, jumping jacks

Perform the exercises and reps stated. Go at your own pace, but give it your all - rest as needed.

2 sets:

1/2 mile Run (treadmill or elliptical or run in place for 5 mins.)
10 Jump Lunges
20 Full Sit-ups
30 Burpees
40 Squats
50 Mountain Climbers

2-3 minutes rest


Accessory Ab Work:
:60 sec Plank
:30 sec Recovery
:60 sec Plank
:30 sec Recovery
:60 sec Plank
:30 sec Recovery

Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #2 - Hot & Sexy Booty & Legs!

Warm up (5-10 minutes)
2 sets:
:30 sec Squats
:30 sec Jumping Jacks
:30 sec Lateral Lunges (alternating sides)
:30 sec Bicycles

Perform the following ladder at your own pace. Ladder the 2 exercises starting with 10 of each then 9 of each and then 8 of each and etc. all the way down to 1. Alternate between the 2 exercises stated before you move on. 1/4 mile recovery run after set 2 and 4 completion.

1st Superset:
Split lunges
Sumo Squats

First Superset:
Left Side Split Lunge 10
Right Side Split Lunge 10
Sumo Squat 10
Left Side Split Lunge 9
Right Side Split Lunge 9
Sumo Squat 9
All the way down to 1

2-3 minutes rest

Second Superset:
One Legged Deadlift with weights
Step-up (use bench or ledge)
1/4 mile Recovery Run

2-3 minutes rest

Third Superset:
Side Lunges off bench
Calf Raises with weight in your hands

2-3 minutes rest

Fourth Superset:
Spiderman Plank- both legs
Snow Angels
1/4 mile Recovery Run

Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #3 - Tank Top Hottie!

Warm up (5-10 minutes):
Jump rope for 5 minutes, then do 2 sets:
10 push ups
10 sit ups

Perform the following ladder at your own pace. Ladder the 2 exercises starting with 10 of each then 9 of each and then 8 of each and etc. all the way down to 1. You will alternate between the 2 exercises stated before you move on. 100 jump ropes after each  set completion.

1st Superset: Can use machine or dumbbells
Chest Fly
Reverse Fly

Looks like this...

Chest Fly - 10 reps
Reverse Fly - 10 reps
Chest Fly - 9 reps
Reverse Fly - 9 reps
All the way down to 1 rep of each

100 Jump Ropes

1-3 minutes rest

2nd Superset:
Bird Dog - each side
Lateral Tap Downs

100 Jump Ropes

1-3 minutes rest

3rd Superset:
Arnold Press
Lumber Jacks

100 Jump Ropes

1-3 minutes rest

4th Superset:
Lying Triceps Extensions - each side
Lateral Curls

100 Jump Ropes

1-3 minutes rest

5th Superset:
Coffin Side Plank with Dip - each side

100 Jump Ropes

Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #4 - Core & More!

Warm up:
3 rounds:
10 push ups
10 sit-ups
10 air squats

Perform the following exercises for the number of reps stated.

30 Jumping Jacks
30 Reverse Lunges (alternating sides)
30 Knee-Ups
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Reverse Lunges (alternating sides)
20 Knee-Ups
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Reverse Lunges (alternating sides)
10 Knee-Ups

2-3 minutes rest

Next: Stations: Perform each station for 3 sets performing 45 seconds of work/:10 seconds rest. Rest 2-3 minutes between each set.

Station #1: Bench Dips
Station #2: Spiderman Plank
Station #3: Box Jumps - use jump boxes, benches, or the curb
Station #4: Suicide Push-ups
Station #5: Pulse Squats/Quick Squats
Station #6: Jumping Jacks

Next: Tabata: Perform 20 seconds of wind sprints with 10 seconds rest for 8 sets (4 minutes).

20 sec Wind sprints
10 sec Recovery
Repeat 8 sets

Next: Perform 60 seconds of the exercises below with 15 seconds rest in between.

3 sets
60 sec Plank
15 sec Recovery
60 sec Mountain Climbers
15 sec Recovery

Cool Down and Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #5: Legs Day Baby! (you'll need a bench or chair)

Warm Up:
3 minutes cardio of choice followed by 2 sets of:
20 alternating windmills + 20 alternating toy soldiers

3 Rounds of the following Exercises:
30 sec Body Weight Squats
30 sec Alternating Reverse Lunges
30 sec Push-ups
30 sec Mountain Climbers

3 Rounds of the following Exercises:
30 sec Step-ups on Bench (L)
30 sec Step-ups on Bench (R)
30 sec Triceps Dips 30 sec

Rest 2-3 min rest

2 Rounds of the following Exercises:
30 sec Split Lunges on Bench (L)
30 sec Calf Raises
30 sec Split Lunges on Bench (R)
30 sec Rest

2-3 min rest

2 Rounds of the following Exercises:
30 sec Lateral lunges (L)
30 sec Mountain Climbers
30 sec Lateral Lunges (R) 30 sec Rest

2-3 min rest

Abs - 2 Rounds
30 sec Crunches
30 sec Plank (left)
30 sec Superman
30 sec Plank (right) 3
0 sec Reverse Crunches

Cool down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #6

Warm up:
2 sets: 40 jumping jacks + 10 burpees

Exercises: (2-3 rounds for time)

10 Rainbows
20 Renegade rows (10 rows per side)
30 Push-Ups
40 Russian Twists
50 Wipers
1/4 mile run (1/2 forward jog, 1/2 backwards jog)

Cool down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #7 -Total Body Tabata Torture:

Warm up & Stretch
3 mins cardio and 3 minutes stretches


Tabata Circuits: Complete a full 4 minute Tabata BEFORE moving on to the next station! Allow 1-2 minutes rest and then ROTATE! Perform a complete Tabata at each station. Tabata exercises need to be completed for 8 sets (or 4 minutes total) For example: 20 sec box jumps, 10 sec rest, 20 box jumps, 10 sec rest, 20 sec box jumps, and so on until you reach 4 minutes (8 sets total.)

Tabata #1:
Pull-Ups OR Row OR Dumbbell Deadlifts  if no access to pull-up bars

Allow 1-2 minutes rest and rotate stations.

Tabata #2:
Squat & DB Press

Allow 1-2 minutes rest and rotate stations.

Tabata #3:
Jump rope (Singles OR Double Unders- your choice!)

Allow 1-2 minutes rest and rotate stations.

Tabata #4:
DB Wood Chops (Alternate sides every 20 seconds)

Allow 1-2 minutes rest and rotate stations.

Tabata #5:
Bicep Curls

Allow 1-2 minutes rest and rotate stations.

Tabata #6:
Star Jumps

Allow 1-2 minutes rest and rotate stations.

Tabata #7:
Jackknives (Alternate legs every 20 seconds)

Allow 1-2 minutes rest and rotate stations.

Tabata #8:

Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #8 — Quarter Conditioning Challenge

Warm up:
Bear Crawl x 20 steps, 10 Up/Down Dogs, 20 steps walking on toes, 20 steps walking on heels, 10 caterpillars

Complete 4 rounds of the following circuit for your best time.

4 Rounds for Time:
25 Box Jumps OR 25 Step-ups per side (use bench)
25 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls
25 Push-Ups (make challenging as possible)
25 Hollow Rock OR 25 Knee-Ups as a modification.
1/4 mile run! (or walk 1/8 mile as a modification) Can use elliptical

Cool Down & Stretch Well! (5-10 minutes

Workout #9 - Upper Body Blaster!

Warm up:
3 mins cardio then...

3 sets:
20 arm circles forwards and backwards
10 leg swings each side
10 hollow rocks

Perform 3 sets of the following. After the first set, allow 10 seconds rest. After the second set, allow 20 seconds rest.

20 sec pushups (straight into the following plank....)
30 sec plank
10-20 sec rest (depending on the round)

Next: Metabolic Conditioning

Perform 3-5 sets of the following circuit:
15 sec Box Jumps OR Step Ups
15 sec rest
15 sec Burpees
15 sec rest
15 sec Box Jumps OR Steps Ups
15 sec rest
15 sec Burpees
45-60 seconds rest

Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #10 - Perfect 10!

Warm up (5-10 minutes)


10 min AMRAP:
Perform  as  many rounds as  possible  of the following exercises with limited rest until the time is up. After the 10-minute round, take a cool down walk. Follow with 3-4 minutes rest.

10 Overhead Squats with DB
10 Walking Lunges (5 each leg)
10 Tuck Jumps or jumpropes (pretend rope is fine)

1/4 mile Recovery Walk

2-4 minutes rest

10 min AMRAP:
10 Jump Squats
10 Suicide Push-Ups
10 Full Sit-ups

1/4 mile Recovery Walk

2-4 minutes rest

10 min AMRAP:
10 Floppy Burpees
10 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
10 Bent Over Rows (5 each side)

1/4 mile Recovery Walk  

Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #11: Sprints & More...

Warm up:
2 sets of 30 seconds of the following:
Alternating Reverse Lunges
Bicycle Crunches

1/4 mile easy run and STRETCH out WELL!

Sprints: (10 minutes)
Set up 2 cones about 50 meters apart. Sprint as  fast as you can to each cone at EVERY 1 minute interval.

Set up 2 cones 50 feet apart. Start at one end and perform the given exercise to the cone, and then jog or walk back for  recovery.

• Groucho’s (forwards for the first half, and backwards for the second half)
• Shuffle (facing left)
• Shuffle (facing the right)
• Grapevine (facing left)
• Grapevine (facing right)
• Broad Jumps (or skipping for mod)
• Backwards Jog
• Rest and Repeat

Cool down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Workout #12:Circuit Hell

Warm up:
2 sets of 30 sec per exercise
Air squats
Lunge with twist
Plank Up/Downs

2-3 Rounds total. 50 seconds at each round, 10 seconds to switch to next movement.

Station #1: Jump Ropes
Station #2: Dips
Station #3: Crossover Mountain Climbers
Station #4: Bicep Curls
Station #5: Broad Jumps
Station #6: DB Thrusters
Station #7: DB Clean & Jerk
Station #8: Pike Push-ups
1-2 min rest

Killer Core Circuit:
4 rounds:
20 Flutter Kicks
20sec Side Plank (alternate sides on each round)
20 Straight-Legged Crunches
20 Bicycle Crunches
20 Russian Twists

Cool down & Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Questions on how to improve your health & wellness? Contact us today!

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