Learn more about protein, its benefits, and how working with a nutrition coach can help you reach your goals.
Jen Maloy
August 26, 2024

Chances are you have been told to eat more protein. In fact, as nutrition coaches, one of the common pitfalls we often find our clients in, especially women, is their lack of protein consumption. 

Protein has many vital roles in our body's core functions, including muscle growth and recovery. Essentially, if you aren’t eating enough protein, you are limiting the effectiveness of the energy and strength your body can produce.

But how much protein is the right amount? As everyone has a different body composition and goals, there is no one-size-fits-all daily protein amount that should be consumed. Ideally, you want to eat enough protein to ensure proper functioning and promote muscle growth and recovery, and that will look different for everyone. At Graham Strength & Conditioning, our certified nutrition coaches are adept at helping you find your ideal protein goal to do just that. 

Continue reading to learn more about protein, its benefits, and how working with a nutrition coach can help you reach your goals. 

What is Protein?

Protein is an essential macronutrient that our bodies absorb from food. We need large amounts of protein as it is the building block for virtually every element in our bodies -  muscle, bone, skin, hair, and tissues. 

Consuming protein shakes post-workout is a great way to get in easily digestible protein quickly, but opting for whole food options is always ideal. Common foods with high protein sources include chicken breast, turkey breast, salmon, cod, lean beef, eggs, chickpeas, and Greek yogurt.

Why is Protein Important?

Proteins provide many essential functions within the body. Without the proper amount of protein consumption, these functions are limited, causing noticeable fatigue and other side effects. Below are several important functions protein provides:

1. Muscle Growth and Maintenance

As you go about your day, your body breaks down proteins in your tissues. To maintain your tissues, such as muscles, you must consume at least the same amount of protein that your body breaks down. Your body’s protein needs are dependent upon your health and activity level.

2. Biochemical Reactions

Protein is used in the body to create multiple enzyme reactions that manage key systems including digestion, blood clotting, and muscle contractions. 

3. Cell & Tissue Structure

Proteins including keratin, collagen, and elastin help form the structure of certain cells and tissues in your body. These proteins are commonly found in egg whites, bone broth, and leafy greens. 

4. Supports Immune Health

Proteins help form antibodies that your body uses to fight infection from disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

5. Provides Emergency Energy

Containing only 4 calories per gram, protein can serve as an energy source but only in situations of fasting, exhaustive exercise, or inadequate calorie intake. In fact, the body breaks down lean muscle if carbohydrate storage is low. Eating a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and fats will ensure successful energy production.

How Much Protein Should I Be Eating?

According to industry experts, about 30% of your caloric intake should come from protein. Individual body compensation and health goals require the determination of unique caloric needs. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 to 1.0 grams per kilogram per day for adults. Working with a certified nutrition coach is the best way to pinpoint your exact caloric needs and relative daily protein goals. 

Common Signs Your Protein Intake is Low

Nutrition clients often come to us believing they are consuming enough protein, but in reality, they are not. Our nutrition coaches help clients identify protein-rich foods and provide tips and accountability to reach individual needs.

Signs that you might not be eating enough protein include:

At GSC, our nutrition coaches use body scan technology to measure your unique body composition and identify the macronutrient needs of your body. Chat with a coach today to learn more about our nutrition program or member options for an inBody scan.

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